Monday, March 2, 2020

Spiritual Resolutions

By Travis L. Quertermous

     At the beginning of a new year, it is very common to make resolutions. We look back over the previous year, assess our successes and our failures, and set goals to improve over the course of the new year. For many people, these resolutions are all of a material nature. For example, they resolve to loose weight, to quit smoking, or to get out of debt.
     All of these are indeed worthy goals, but let me challenge you to make some spiritual resolutions this year as well. For example, resolve to be a daily student of the Bible and to read through God's word in 2019. Resolve to attend the church of Christ this year with your family and to be more involved in its activities. Resolve to help the poor and  the needy more this year. Resolve to pray to God every day. Resolve to be a more loving and patient spouse, parent, or child. Resolve to share the gospel of Christ with at least one lost soul in 2019.
     Of course, we have all heard the old saying that resolutions are made in January and forgotten in March. This brings to mind another old, but true, saying: "If we fail to plan, then we plan to fail." The reason so many resolutions go unrealized is because we make no plans on how to succeed or else have unrealized expectations to begin with. Take being a daily Bible student, for example. If one will read three chapters a day from the Old Testament, one can read through it in a year. Nine chapters a day in the New Testament will enable one to read through it once a month. That, it seems to me, is a very reachable schedule and goal.
     Above all, let us resolve to live out the wise words of King Solomon, "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man" (Eccl 12:13).

- Travis L. Quertermous has preached for a number of congregations in Missouri. He and his family currently  reside in Dexter, MO.

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