Monday, March 2, 2020

Making Our Invitations to Worship More Effective

By Johnny Hester

     Most people experience varying degrees of social anxiety in new situations. When inviting our friends to visit Sunday morning worship services, one thing we can do to make them feel more comfortable saying “yes” is to simply let them know what to expect when they arrive at the church building. Along with your personal invitations, please let your friends know that our Sunday worship includes the following:

  • Public Prayer – There will be times during the worship when an individual will lead the assembly in prayer. We offer prayers of praise, remembrance, guidance, repentance and encouragement throughout our worship gathering. During prayer, we will stand or sit (the audience will be given directions as to which) quietly with heads bowed.
  • Singing – You will notice there are no musical instruments. This is by design. Our singing emphasizes Scriptural simplicity, participation and community. Words and notes to the songs can be found on the proper page in the songbook in the pew racks.
  • Communion – Each Sunday we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. We eat small pieces of bread to remember the physical body that He surrendered to death; and we drink the grape juice to remember His blood given for our forgiveness. Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, is a memorial act for Christians to observe. If you feel comfortable in doing so, we invite you to join us in this special memorial.
  • Offering – Containers will be passed to collect the weekly financial offering from members of the Matthews congregation. As our guest, you are not expected to make a donation, however you are welcome to do so if you like. Feel perfectly comfortable in just passing the plate down the row if you prefer.
  • Preaching – Usually part of each worship period will be devoted to preaching from the Bible. Occasionally outlines of the sermons are displayed on the screen or distributed as printed handouts. Note-taking is encouraged.  You are also invited to follow along in your own Bible as the message is delivered.
Also, at the end of the sermon, the speaker will offer an opportunity for people to come express any need requiring special attention from the church. There may be no response, or some may ask for prayers. This is also a time when people may confess their faith and be baptized into Christ to become a part of His become a Christian.
     Assure your friends that they will receive a warm welcome at any of our worship periods; but that they will in no way be singled out or embarrassed.

- Johnny Hester preaches for the Matthews Church of Christ in Matthews, MO. He may be contacted at

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