By Johnny Hester
Finally I think I’m getting a handle on this thing. Growing older. We are all doing it and it will happen as long as we continue to live. That being the case, we have no choice in this matter of growing older. So, why fret?
Certain privileges come with old age – enjoy them! Brag on your grandkids – it’s allowed, even expected. Openly voice your opinion on politics and the economy – you’ve earned the right. Claim the most comfortable chair for yourself in a room full of youngsters. You’ll fit that big old recliner better than those skinny young folks anyhow. Speak up without embarrassment at Burger King and boldly inquire, “Hey, what about my senior citizen discount?”
While we have no choice about growing older, we can choose to age well. With the old year winding down and a new year set to begin, consider how we might realize that goal as a part of our resolutions.
Clyde Slimp wrote: “There is a responsibility that comes with age … Christians ought to be men and women who ‘age well’ – in areas such as maturity, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and the fruits of the Spirit.”
You know, that is what I want to do. As I grow older I want to grow closer to God so that others may see Him in my life. As people observe the obvious – wrinkles, a slowed page, a silvery head – I also want them to see the example of a righteous life – a man aging well. The Heavenly Father’s plan for growing older is beautifully stated in Proverbs 16:31, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.”
Since we’re all in this thing together, I have an idea. Let’s “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess” and “encourage one another” (Hebrews 10:23, 25). In the wonderful fellowship of Christ we can all manage to age well.