Friday, January 1, 2021

A God Who Makes All Things New

By Al Behel

Behold, I make all things new …” (Revelation 21:5)
     I like new things, don’t you? Being the fifth boy in my family I got lots of hand-me-downs. Big families tended to recycle everything. Occasionally, though, I would get new clothes and new shoes, and I felt really proud. I couldn’t wait to wear them.
     Scripture tells us that God makes all things new. No more remodeling or repairing the old stuff. No hand-me-downs. He gives us a new start, a new creation, and a new future. With sins forgiven we have a whole new potential.
     The old man with his limitations is replaced with a new man who shares a new nature.
     I like New Years. They let me look back and look forward at the same time. I can assess what I need to discard and leave behind. I can look forward to new beginnings and new opportunities. I can be free from past mistakes and accept new grace.

“A New Year, A New Beginning”

The old year ends, a new begins
With pages clean and new;
And what is written on each page
Will now depend on you.
You can’t relive the year that’s past,
Erasing every wrong;
For once a year, or day, is spent
It is forever gone.
But don’t give up in dark despair
If you have failed some test;
Seek God’s forgiveness and resolve
Henceforth to do your best.

Resolve each precious day to do
Things good and kind and pure;
Though days and years may pass away,
These things shall still endure.
You know not where your path may lead
Nor what’s beyond the hill;
But know that God walks by your side,
If you will do His will.
All things are possible with God,
Though days be bright or dim;
So do your best and know that you
Can leave the rest to Him.
                                    —Author Unknown
- Al Behel preaches for the Great Smoky Mountains Church of Christ in Pigeon Forge, TN. He may be contacted through the congregation's website:

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