Monday, November 2, 2020

Should a Christian Vote?

By Bill Brandstatter 

This is a political season. Some are saying this may be one of the most important elections in recent year.  Fundamental change may be on the horizon in many areas. Many people, including some Christians think  that there is no need to vote since the vote of one person doesn’t matter anyway (so some say). Some feel  that all politicians are crooks; therefore, a single vote won’t really matter; yet a Christian in America should  fulfil his or her duty to vote. 
 There are some issues that have come up in recent years that have caused a great deal of concern for  the Christian Issues such as abortion, homosexual marriages, ethics, and integrity are items which could  affect the moral fiber and backbone of this country. It is important that we decide from a Christian  perspective who would best lead our country in a moral and ethical fashion. We should use the rights that  are available to us. The apostle Paul did this very thing. Paul used his rights as a Roman citizen in his own  defence (Acts 21:39). He also used his right of citizenship (Acts 22:28). We should use the rights given to  us as citizens of the U.S. One of those rights is the privilege of voting for and electing our leaders. 
 All rulers are certainly not godly men. Some of the laws that have been passed are contrary to Biblical  teachings. This is where Christians can make an impact. By voting, a Christian can choose the ruler that  best represents Christian ideals and standards. Far too many Christians, however, have an attitude of  indifference. 
 Here are a few basic duties and rights that every Christian should exercise during this political  season:
 FIRST: Pray for the leaders and for a godly nation. Paul teaches that: “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings and all who are in authority, that we  may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. (1 Tim. 2:1,2) Notice the last part of  verse 2. What is Paul saying? He is stating that we should pray that Christians should be able to live a quiet  and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. I should vote that way also. Anyone that will try to hinder  Christianity or its influence should not be voted for, regardless of his or her political affiliation. 
 SECOND: Register to vote. After doing this, register to vote if you haven’t. Make sure you are  registered in time to make your vote count.
 THIRD: Vote. The apostles voted for a new apostle (Acts 1:20-26). Their vote consisted of casting  lots. Ours today involves a different process; but voting is something we should do as Christians and as  citizens. Some think that one vote won’t make any difference. If thousands of Christians had that idea, it  would make a big difference, wouldn’t it? 
 Since we have an opportunity to choose our rulers, every Christian who is eligible should vote and  try to get moral and godly men elected to public offices. There is no doubt God would want it that way.  
- Bill Brandstatter preaches for the Marion Church of Christ in Marion, IL. He may be contacted through the congregation's website:

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