Monday, November 9, 2020

Come and Listen to a Story ...

By David Bragg

    A real estate deal late in 2019 made the headlines when it sold at a record price. The Chartwell Estate, listed at $350 million, sold for around $150 million making it "the most expensive home ever sold in the entire state of California" ( and second highest sold in the United States (
    The Bel-Air mansion boasts 10-acres of real estate (including a house once owned by Ronald and Nancy Reagan), 40-car garage, 18 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, a ballroom, a redwood grove, tennis court and 75-foot swimming pool (or "Cement Pond"). The Chartwell Estate was made famous by a family that never lived in it ... the Clampetts!
    “The Beverly Hillbillies” mansion was used for exterior shots in the show while interior scenes, with the people that represent the heart of the family, were filmed at the Hollywood Center Studios. It seems an apt reminder for us today. There is a difference between a "house" and a "home." The "house" is the exterior physical structure, the "home" consists of the people that make up a family. As our nation observes Father's Day today we honor fathers who are working hard to build a home. This was the inspired advice given by Paul, "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). While a "house" is important, it is so much more rewarding to build a strong, loving, spiritual, solid "home!"
- David Bragg serves as one of the ministers at the Northwest Church of Christ in Greensboro, NC and is co-editor of BulletinGold. He may be contacted through the congregation's website: or his blog:

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