Friday, October 11, 2024

Wrinkle's Headstone

By Bob Prichard

    She never really cared that much for the piece of carved stone that her deceased husband had found in an old quarry, but Ruth Beeston thought it would serve well to mark the burial place of her dead cat, Wrinkle. She decided to put it up for auction, however, when a local art historian discovered that it was a thousand year old carving of the apostle Peter. Wrinkle’s former headstone brought $383,000 when it was offered at auction (World, December 25, 2004).
    This sort of thing seems to happen often (at least to other people). Someone finds some old thing that everyone thinks is worthless, and then it is discovered to be a priceless antique. Just because something is old, it is not necessarily valuable. Some things are true antiques, and some are just “junque.” Some old things are incredibly valuable. 
    Consider how the Bible, a truly ancient book is treated. It is old─the newest parts being over 1900 years old, and some parts even much older. Many think that because of its age, it can’t really be worth much. And yet, to those with the proper discernment, it is the most valuable book ever written.
    Paul told Timothy, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God [is literally ‘God breathed’], and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” Not only does it give us all that we need, but it is profitable and relevant. It is just as relevant today as when it was written hundreds of years ago.
    Ruth Beeston required an art historian to tell her that she unknowingly had something of real value. Surely we understand today how valuable the Bible is, that it is profitable to us for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. Unfortunately, many just use that family Bible as a place to store dried flowers, recipes, and the family tree. Wrinkle’s headstone was so much more than Ruth thought. What about the Bible? Have you realized the hidden treasures within?

- Bob Prichard serves as an elder and evangelist for the Hillview Church of Christ in Birmingham, Alabama, since 2016. In his forty-five years of preaching he has served churches in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Alabama.

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