By John Gipson
Are you irritable?
Irritable, as the word is generally used, is
regarded as a defect of character. We tend to think of
it as that nervous tendency to explode on the smallest
provocation. As overgrown babies our prestige, comfort
and “rights”—any invasion of these brings a howling which
can be heard in the next county.
Make your own private list of what irritates
you: driving behind a car going thirty miles an hour when
the speed limit is fifty-five; having a flight canceled and
sitting in the airport until the next day; going to the
emergency room and having to wait hours to see a doctor;
getting the wrong order from Burger King—why these things
are enough “to exasperate a saint.” (Continued
next column)
As bad as “irritability” sounds, it can be a
noble thing. Take the case of the apostle Paul in
Athens : “His soul was irritated at the sight of the idols”
(Acts 17:16, Moffatt). This sight of ruin and
degradation stirred his whole being.
Have we retained a capacity for moral
indignation? In my reading I ran across a satirical quatrain
which may describe the danger which faces many of us:
“St. Francis of Assisi
Was incapable of taking things easy;
That is one of the advances
We have made upon St. Francis.”
It’s sad when we don’t get irritated or stirred
by anything—when wrongs are all about us and we show the
fine placidity of a cabbage.
- via Windsong Notes, the weekly bulletin of the
Windsong Church of Christ in Little Rock, AR. John Gipson, a
longtime minister for the Sixth and Izard congregation (now
the Windsong Church of Christ) serves as one of the
congregation's elders. Visit their website at
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