Monday, April 2, 2012

Try Harder

By Steve Higginbotham
     I’m convinced that many of us may not resist the temptation to sin as we should.  It’s not that we want to sin, for we don’t.  It’s just that when temptation crosses our path, we don’t fight it as though we were in a life or death struggle.  We may resist, but the resistance is only token.
     Not long ago, a friend of mine (Reed Swindle) gave a lecture in which he raised this question.  What if every time we sinned, an ugly scar appeared upon our face?  How much harder then would we resist sin?  Good question.  None of us would like to have our faces scarred.  Scars to our faces would be embarrassing, affect our relationships, and would affect our behavior.  I’m sure we would tenaciously fight the temptation of sin if succumbing meant a big ugly scar to our faces.
     You see where I’m going, right?  Why would we fight harder to preserve our temporal flesh than we would to preserve our eternal soul?  The fact that we can’t see the “scars” sin leaves upon us doesn’t mean they’re not there.  Friends, resist the temptation to sin; not just a token resistance before you succumb, but a resistance that reflects a life! and death struggle.

- Steve Higginbotham preaches for the Karns Church of Christ in Knoxville, TN. He may be contacted through the congregation's website at  Copyright © 2012, Steve Higginbotham.  Permission is granted to copy these articles.

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