Monday, November 1, 2010

Return to Fundamentals

By Bob Spurlin

Recently I enjoyed an interesting conversation with a brother and former elder in the church. We mutually agreed that our communities and society at large is becoming morally bankrupt. Many factors have contributed to such a coarsening of morals in our neighborhoods, not the least of which is a failure of the church to reaffirm the basic fundamentals of the Bible. As a child of the 50s and 60s the basic fundamentals of right and wrong were articulated with clarity. We see these basic truths slipping away when we fail to keep these principles deeply rooted before the church, family, and our communities. In far too many neighborhoods, and in the church we see have seen the absolute standards of right and wrong lowered before our eyes.

Observe the following basic principles that need serious consideration for our time: (1) A belief in the existence in God; (2) A belief in the inspiration of the Bible; (3) A belief in the authority of the scriptures; (4) A revival of the home as God mandates; (5) A clear understanding of sin and its consequences; (6) A belief in the undenominational nature of the church of Christ. These are elementary, simple, and fundamental points that have been neglected far too long.

We would not want to omit the fundamentals of mathematics, English, history, and science in the education of our children. These subjects are basic and primary to the instruction of all students. Likewise a return to the basic fundamentals of the Bible will bring us to an understanding of God’s will.

- Bob Spurlin, the "horizontal" preacher, has been bedridden with Multiple Sclerosis for a number of years, yet continues to faithfully serve his Lord through a number of avenues, most notably his writing. Bob can be contacted through his website, (©2000-2006 BOB SPURLIN).

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