By John Telgren
There are certain values that
most fashion designers have in common. Here are some
questions to ask ourselves. Are the values of most fashion
designers godly? Do they define beauty in the same way that
God defines beauty? Are fashion designers governed by
dignity, propriety, or modesty? Do fashion designers want to
help you be godly? The answers to these questions should
reveal whether they are your people or not.
Modesty is probably not what
many fashion designers have in mind. If they do, they may
define modesty differently. What is modesty? Here is the
dictionary definition: Modesty is 1.the quality of being
modest; freedom from vanity, boastfulness, etc. 2.regard for
decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc. 3.simplicity;
Here are some synonyms for
modesty: Modesty is humility, reserve, constraint,
demureness, decent, chaste, quietness. Antonyms for modesty
are immodest, pride, ego, audacious, brazen, brash,
arrogance, conceit.
Modesty is something that
applies to both men and women. Notice this passage:
"Likewise, I want women to "adorn themselves with
proper/modest clothing, modestly/decently and
discreetly/moderation, not with braided hair and gold or
pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good
works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness (1
Tim 2:9-10).
Some of these words, modestly
and discreetly (kosmios and sophron) and are found again in
1 Tim 3:2 concerning elders. They are to be sophron,
prudent/modest/sensible and kosmion, modest/respectable. The
quality of modesty in dress is not limited to just women.
According to this passage, modest dress is "making a claim
to godliness." So the question concerning our dress and
appearance should be, "Does this make a claim to godliness?"
A similar passage reads.
"Your adornment must not be merely external--braiding the
hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses;
but{let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the
imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is
precious in the sight of God" (1 Pet 3:3-4).
Our beautification, or
adornment, should not be merely external. It is the "hidden
person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a
gentle and quiet spirit..." Another translation for "gentle"
is "meek" or "humble." It is the same word Jesus used when
he said, "Blessed are the meek..."
What is modesty? With this
passage, you can define it as "Humility expressed in
Fashion designers most likely do
not have this in mind. In fact, they often have the exact
opposite in mind. It is about drawing attention to self. It
is about saying, "look at me." Whether it is overdressing or
underdressing, humility is probably not what is being
expressed. This is something to keep in mind the next time
you go to the mall to buy clothes. Ask yourselves these
questions when buying clothes or getting dressed. What is my
motivation for how I dress? Is it godly? Do my outfits make
a godly statement? Whose attention and what kind of
attention am I aiming for? Does it reflect the grace and
beauty of womanhood? Does it reflect the honor and dignity
of manhood? Is it an expression of a humble and gentle
spirit which is precious to God?
- John Telgren preachers for the Leavenworth Church of
Christ in Leavenworth, KS. He may be contacted through the
congregation's website at
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