I HAVE BEEN to youth rallies, gospel meetings, seminars, lectureships, and so many other church venues, when the topic of evangelism has been discussed...
I have spent hours listening and reading articles from gospel preachers about how we can get people to the building. However, the answer is so simple -- by love. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). If we want people to know that we are Christ's disciples, then we must have love for one another, and not just any love. We must have the kind of love that edifies; a kind of love described by the inspired Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:4-6. We must be people who love one another patiently, kindly, and without jealousy. We cannot brag or act arrogantly toward our brothers and sisters. We must always act righteously and not seek our own. We must never provoke and never take into account wrong doing. We must only rejoice with our brothers in the truth and never in unrighteousness. Living love-filled lives that edify others will not only change the church, but it will change the world!
KneEmail: "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7
- Garrett Best, "Love Is Edifying," Freed-Hardeman University 2010 Lectures, 39; Mike Benson edits an on-line devotional entitled KneEmail. To subscribe, send ANY message to: kneemail-subscribe@welovegod.org Mike may be contacted atmlbenson@wowway.com

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