Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Fellowship Is What I Crave

By Gerald Cowan

Not for anything that I have done,
Not for struggles with him I have won,
And not for anything that is called sin –
He hates me for the color of my skin
And that I live with him beneath the sun.

The fact that I exist stirs up his hate.
To shared humanity he can’t relate.
He does not see the signs of God in me
But he resents that, like him, I am free.
Is separation then to be our fate?

I want to join with him in hope and peace
And from our common sin to find release.
Fellowship with him is what I crave
As taught by Him who came all souls to save
That godliness on earth may thus increase.

God gave His Son to be a sacrifice
That for our sin’s removal can suffice.
Why build a wall that none of us can climb
When we can live in peace and love sublime
With Him who wants us all in paradise?

Our God has promised that He will save all
Who at the feet Christ in faith will fall
And live obediently to His commands,
Fulfilling for each other love’s demands
And patiently on Him for mercy call.

- Gerald Cowan, a longtime preacher and missionary, is retired from full-time pulpit preaching. He is available for Gospel Meetings and he may be contacted at

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