Wednesday, April 1, 2020

God Commissions Joshua

By Larry Miles

After the death of Moses, Joshua led the Children of Israel into the Promised Land. Here in Joshua 1:1-9 we read of the commission given by the LORD Himself. We can make application for ourselves from this  passage on how we are to regard the Word of God.
He promises Joshua and us that, if we obey Him He will never forsake us (Joshua 1:5). Joshua 1:7-8 tells us what the LORD told Joshua regarding the Word of God. Christians today must appropriate these verses for themselves. Remember, no truth of God’s Word is truly yours until you find it for yourself in the Bible. We must be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11.
Joshua is told to do everything “according to the  Law” that Moses taught him. This tells us that the whole counsel of God is important, that all of God’s Word is true, not just the parts we like (II Timothy 3:16-17). The LORD instructs Joshua not to turn from the center of His  Word. We must be found believing and teaching the same message everywhere we go (II Timothy 4:1-8).
In Joshua 1:8 we see the importance of knowing the Word of God; that is, knowing what you believe and why. A Christian who knows why he is one will not fall into apostasy and be led astray by the Devil. Joshua is further instructed to “meditate on the Word, day and night.” Meditating on God’s Word goes beyond studying His Word. It tells us that we have be willing to put in the time needed to grow “in the grace and  knowledge of the Lord Jesus.” We must be like Joshua and be strong and courageous in the Lord, and being willing to share the Word of God with all we come in contact. Joshua had the opportunity  to live out his faith, the same can be said for us. Joshua 1:9 lets us know that wherever we go, the Lord is  with us. God will equip us for service if we will let Him. We must, as the hymn writer says, “take the Name of Jesus With You…” So I say to myself and to you, “Onward Christian Soldiers….” let’s keep the Cross of Jesus uplifted. The world is  lost without Christ—we have been given the opportunity to help them find HIM!

- Larry Miles lives in Louisville, KY and publishes "Larry's Lines" several times a week. Copyright 2018. Visit his website:

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