Monday, March 2, 2020

Renew us, O Lord!

By Donna Wittlif

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength" (Isaiah 40:31, ASV).
       This morning we took a truckload of newspapers and junk mail, tin cans, and plastic and glass containers to the recycling center. There they are repurposed for a new, useful life, just like all those who have their lives remade into a glorious life for Christ.
       God makes every person in His image. We are not junk. However, Satan works to turn us into junk--souls and bodies that are not useful for God's purposes. It is indeed sad to see all the people whose bodies and minds are slaves to Satan.
       If only these people could know our God and His promise to renew their minds and transform them in the likeness of Christ. If only we could reach them with the message of God's saving grace through Christ. We wish they could see their lost condition and come to God.
       The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God that dwells within us, works to change us as we read God's Word, as we pray and commune with God, and as we worship Him and strive to live for Him. But there are still times when we are tired, discouraged, and ready to quit. It is at this time we are most vulnerable to Satan's attack.
       At such times we need to stand in God's care and let Him renew us. We can't pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, but we can rely on God and rest in Him as we pray and study. At such times, may we turn to God for help and strength so we can help those who are Satan's slaves.

- Donna Wittlif, the founder and first editor of BulletinGold, lives in Denver, CO. Donna is also a writer of fiction. Her novels, World Eternal: Promises and World Eternal: Proselytes, and World Eternal: Perils, and her newest book, Finding Her Heart,  are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other book outlets. For more information visit her website.

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