By Debbie Preuss
Lord, if only You knew what I have done
You wouldn't offer the grace of Your Son
The things I've done wrong in my life
That fill my very soul with strife
The "secret sins" that I have hid
Ever since I was just a kid
If You knew all, You wouldn't want me
To spend time with You for eternity
How could You love me if You knew all
If You'd seen me slip, if You'd seen me fall
My child, I've seen all that you've done
That WHY I offer the grace of My Son
The things you've done that caused such strife
Are gone, a part of your former life
I've forgiven and forgotten every one
Because you come to Me through My Son
I saw all the "secret sins" you've hid
But I still want you to be My kid
My unconditional love is for you
Not because of what you say or do
But because you've come, cleansed by My Son
You have become to Me, a chosen one
My child I love you and I've seen it all
Now I'm here to pick you up when you fall
I want you now, to soar free
And we'll be together for eternity
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