
Friday, July 12, 2024

Talking Season, The Hot Stove League, and The Person in the Mirror


By Jim Faughn

    Now that the college basketball season is over, I heard somebody describe this time of year as Talking Season. There are a variety of things going on about which most of us know very little or anything. Some of those things may make the news. The casual sports fan may know something about coaching changes, recruiting news, etc., but even a very ardent fan probably has no real idea about all that is going on behind the scenes. About all that most college basketball fans can do for the next few months is talk. 
    A part of the vocabulary of Major League Baseball is the term Hot Stove League. As I understand it, that term can refer to the time during the winter months when baseball executives meet, make trades, etc. 
    Another meaning of that term, though, is similar to basketball’s Talking Season. The Hot Stove League can refer to the winter months during which there are no baseball games and during which all that fans can do is talk. As I understand it, the term was used because, in earlier years, much of this was done while sitting by a hot wood or coal stove.
    While the sports are different and the times of the year are different, there is at least one similarity between Talking Season and The Hot Stove League. Athletes are not using their talents to actually compete. They may be (and probably are) doing things that will help them when the season starts, but they are not actually fulfilling their missions as players.
    I’m wondering if some of us who wear the name “Christian” see a reflection in the mirror of a person who acts as if he or she is in The Hot Stove League and/or that we are perpetually in Talking Season. I wonder if that person only “talks a good game,” but never finds time to actually serve the One whose name he or she wears. 
    As I look into my mirror and/or examine my heart, I need to remember that our Lord was very critical of some religious people (leaders in fact) who, according to Him … say and do not do. (Matt. 23:3, NKJV)
    As I type the following words, I can assure you that I am in no way trying to be flippant with the language of the Bible as I use a verse that has the word “season” in it. I really hope that you will recognize that I am only trying to make a point when I remind all of us about Paul’s inspired instruction to a younger preacher. It seems to me that it would be good for all of us (not just preachers) to remember to…
…be ready in season and out of season… (2 Tim. 4:2, ESV)
    As I look at that reflection in the mirror, I need to remember that there is no Talking Season or Hot Stove League for a true disciple of Jesus.

Jim Faughn serves as and elder for the Central Church of Christ in Paducah KY. Be sure to visit the following for more great articles: Faughn Family blog, A Legacy of Faith

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