By Gerald
My spring of
youth has come and gone.
It will not
come again.
The strength
of summer did not last.
‘Twas short
and sweet, but then
It went away
like dew on flow’rs
Warmed by
the rising sun,
Or like the
light of day will go
When evening
has begun.
A renewed
urgency I feel
Since autumn
came to call.
Unless I
find new energy,
Autumn may
be my fall.
My blood is
thin. Can I withstand
The stress
of winter’s cold
stumbling ways give evidence
That one is
growing old?
Accept each
season, like each stage
Of life,
when it arrives.
The heav’n
of God is yet to be,
In that our
hope survives.
My spring
will never come again.
My summer
went away.
When fall
and winter too have passed
Comes God’s eternal day.
- Gerald Cowan, a longtime
preacher and missionary, is retired from full-time pulpit preaching. Gerald
publishes an e-mail newsletter entitled GERALD COWAN’S PERSONAL PERIODICAL
WRITINGS. He is available for Gospel Meetings and he may be contacted at
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