
Monday, July 28, 2014

Faithful in Little or Much

By Winfred Clark

     You have often heard people say what they would do “if.” If they had a million dollars they would give. If they had ability they would do this or that. That is, they say they would. Have you ever stopped to ask what these same people are doing with what they already have? That is a good indication of what they would do with more. That is exactly what Jesus said, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much” (Luke 16:10).
     1. Faithfulness knows no difference in the matter of duty. If we have an obligation to God we must be faithful whether we consider it small or large. The size of the thing done is not the thing that matters. Surely we all recognize the great good done by great gospel preachers among us. We surely ought to be thankful for them and applaud their efforts in preaching the truth. Such men as Guy N. Woods, Willard Collins and Gus Nichols have done a world of good in their work of preaching. May their tribe increase. Each of us can remember one or more efforts of these men that resulted in great good for the cause of Christ. They truly have been faithful in what we would call great.
     What of those behind the scenes who have prayed for preachers and held up their hands as they preached and taught. One could think of a number of good folks that have opened their homes and hearts to these good men to allow them rest and refreshment for the task they had. These were just as faithful in the matters of hospitality as the preachers were in preaching. But each did what they had the ability and opportunity to do.
     2. Faithfulness is sometimes more difficult in small things than in the large. There is often not the stimulation to do the small, unnoticed thing. Often the crowd is there to give a verbal boost to the large thing but that which is small is seldom seen or known. It therefore demands real dedication. Think a moment of Paul and Dorcas. One was in the public eye, the other was known by a small group. One demanded individual initiative where the other would have the encouragement of associates.
     Don't we find this principle in attending a large gathering? It is easy, as a rule, to go where the crowd goes. On the other hand, more is demanded when we come to some mid-week services where there are only a few. We have to do more on the individual basis.
     3. Faithfulness in the little will lead to faithfulness in the much. The person who is careful about details will take care of the whole. I heard one man say, “If God gives a small ball to bounce, then do it and the reward will be a larger one.” If Paul had failed to do the things he was told in Damascus to do, he would never have the opportunity to do some things he did.
     Men that were faithful with limited means in the 30s and 40s are the men who have been and are the giants among us today. Men who wouldn’t work with what they had, have no opportunities to do so now.

- via the Belvedere Beacon, the weekly bulletin of the Belvedere Church of Christ, Belvedere, SC.  Ken Chumbley preaches for this congregation, and he may be contacted at their website:

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